Auto Text Message - Android App

I just finished creating my first Android app.
It's called Auto Text message.
I wanted a way for my wife to send me a "I'm on my way" text every day when she left work to pick me up so we could carpool home.
In future updates I'm going to work on a shortcut or widget for the contact.
I might also change it to allow 2 or 3 preset messages with contacts.
See the App here

I use this with my HTC Evo 4G that I love.
HTC EVO 4G Android Phone (Sprint)


Aaron said…
Does this work along with GPS or something, to automatically send a message once a certian point has been reached?
Ed Hammond said…
No, but that is a good idea.
mrjlturner said…
Cool! I've done a similar thing w/ Tasker. Tasker allows you to create tasks and turn them into miniature "apps" that you can publish or create shortcuts to. May be worth a look as well!

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